Fun Craft Projects Page 2

The Lord's Prayer

Bible Reference: Matthew 6:7-13


  • Brown construction paper
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Pencil


  1. Read the Bible verse and discuss the importance of praying to God.
  2. Ask the children how they pray to God. Tell them that one way to pray is by putting our hands together. Let them trace their left hand by putting it face down on the construction paper. Do the same with the right hand.
  3. Cut the traced hands and glue them together to form praying hands.


  1. Let the children draw the things they pray for on the hands.
  2. Write the Lord's prayer on a manila paper so older children will be aware of it.

Peter is the Rock

Bible Reference: Matthew 16:18


  • Flat rock with smooth surface
  • Felt pens


  1. Read the Bible verse to the children. Explain to them why Jesus referred to Peter as the rock.
  2. Tell them to put their rock on the table. Make sure that the rocks have clean, smooth surfaces.
  3. Have the children write their own name on their rock. In addition, tell them to draw flowers, hearts, stars or other shapes they like on the rock.


  1. Display the children's creations for their parents and other church goers to see.
  2. Use the rock to serve as paperweight during other arts and craft activities.

Shine Like Stars

Bible Reference: Philippians 2:14-16


  • Glitter
  • Glue stick
  • Star cut-outs


  1. Read the Bible verse to the children. Tell them why and how they must shine like stars in the sky.
  2. Give a star cut out to each child.
  3. Using a glue stick, rub glue on one side and sprinkle glitter over it. Do the same with the other side.


  1. You can use the star as a name tag by writing the name of the child on the star he/she made.
  2. Punch holes on the stars so you can hang them in your classroom.

The Ten Lepers

Bible Reference: Luke 17:11-19


  • Tin can
  • Colored paper
  • Felt pens
  • Glue stick


  1. Read the Bible story of the Ten Lepers to the pupils. Emphasize that out of the ten lepers that Jesus healed, only one remembered to say thank you. Explain to them why we should always say thank you.
  2. After reading the story, ask the children to cover their tin can with colored paper. Help the children write the words Thank You on their can.
  3. Let them draw different shapes or objects to decorate their tin can.


  1. Let the children bring their Thank You can at home where members of the family can drop their thank you notes to each other.
  2. Have a big Thank You can in the classroom where children can drop their thank you notes. Read their notes to class after each session.

God Made Us According to His Own Image

Bible Reference: Genesis 1:26-31


  • Modeling clay of different colors
  • Buttons


  1. Read the Bible verse and discuss how God made us according to His own image.
  2. Ask the children to get their clay and mold it to form a head.
  3. Using a yellow, black or brown clay, let the children make a hair for the head.
  4. For the lips, they can use a thin strip of rolled red clay.
  5. Use a small button for the nose and big buttons for the eyes.


  1. Provide the class with ribbons or yarn to use as hair for their clay faces.
  2. Children can also add other features on the faces to resemble them. For example, they can use the tip of their pencil to form freckles or a dimple on the cheek.

God Saved Noah and His Family

Bible Reference: Genesis 6:9-22


  • Popsicle sticks
  • Precut short-sized cardboards
  • Glue
  • Felt Pens


  1. Read the story from the Bible about how God saved Noah and his family by helping him built an ark.
  2. Distribute the cardboards to the children.
  3. Tell them to form an ark using their popsicle sticks.
  4. Once they are through, ask them to glue the popsicle sticks one by one on the cardboard to prevent disarranging them.
  5. Ask the children to draw windows on their ark. They can also draw Noah and his family and the animals with them.


  1. Once the glue dried up, cut the outline of the ark for children to take home.
  2. Use pretzels to form edible arks.

Crown of Life

Bible References: Revelations 2:10, James 1:12 


  • Cardboard
  • Crayons
  • Scissors
  • Glue or paste


  1. Read and explain the Bible verse to the children. Talk about the crown of life that God will give to those who love Him.
  2. Assist the children in cutting a strip of cardboard about 5cm thick and long enough to go around their head.
  3. Glue/Paste the ends together to form a circle.
  4. Draw a crown on the remaining card and cut it out.
  5. Color the crown and draw jewels using your crayons.
  6. Attach the crown to the headband.


  1. To make the crown more attractive and realistic, you can wrap it with tinfoil.
  2. Let the children wear the crown to remind them of God's wonderful gift to those who love Him.

Blind Bartimaeus

Bible Reference:Mark 10:46-52


  • Toilet roll cylinder
  • Strong glue
  • Yarn
  • Felt pens


  1. Read the story of blind Bartimaeus and how Jesus let him see again. Explain how his faith made him well.
  2. Using a toilet roll cylinder, make a puppet of Bartimaeus. Use a black yarn to decorate the top of the cylinder for his ahir.
  3. For the eyes, draw two circles below the hair. Draw a nose and a mouth using felt pens.
  4. On the other side, draw eyes which are closed to show that the puppet is blind. Also draw a mouth and nose.


  1. Use the puppet to retell the story to the children.
  2. Let the children role play the part of Bartimaeus using their puppets.

God's Promise

Bible Reference: Genesis 9:1-17


  • Yarns (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet)
  • Glue
  • Cotton balls
  • Cardboard
  • Crayons


  1. Review the lesson on Noah and how God saved him and his family. Next, read the Bible verse and explain that God promised never to send a great flood to destroy the earth again. Tell the children that God made a rainbow to prove this promise.
  2. Cut yarns of different lengths with violet as the shortest and red the longest.
  3. Glue the yarns on the cardboard, arranging them in such a way that they form a rainbow.
  4. Glue cotton balls above the rainbow to serve as clouds.
  5. Draw birds flying and a sun using crayons.


  1. Prepare beforehand a picture or drawing of a rainbow. Children need a guide to arrange the different colors of the rainbow.
  2. Children can use glitter glue instead of yarns.

Planting in the Field of the Spirit

Bible Reference: Galatians 6:8-10


  • One empty margarine tub
  • Water colors
  • Felt pens


  1. Read the Bible verse and discuss examples of plants and their fruits.
  2. After the lesson, explain to the children why they should do good deeds and what rewards await them in doing so.
  3. Tell the children to get their empty margarine tub. Make sure that the tubs are clean and dry.
  4. Ask them to paint their tub with their favorite color and let it dry.
  5. Once dried, tell them to draw objects or shapes using their felt pens.


  1. Teach the children how to take care of plants by letting them bring a plant to school and put it in their improvised pot.
  2. Let the children take care of their plant by reminding them to water it regularly. 

Love Craft

Bible Reference: I Corinthians 13


  • Construction paper
  • Colored pens


  1. Read the Bible verse and discuss what love is. Ask the children who their loved ones are and why they love them.
  2. After the lesson, let the pupil think of someone they want to say I love you to.  For example, their mother, father, brother, sister, friend or even you!
  3. Ask the children to fold their construction paper into two to form a card.
  4. On the cover, let the children draw hearts of different sizes and color.
  5. Assist the children in writing "I Love You" inside the card.


  1. Let the children give the card to the person they want to say I love you to. Tell them to also give the person a big hug and a kiss.
  2. Prepare heart cut outs with the words I love you written on each and give them to your pupils. They will appreciate it and make them feel that you love them.

The Garden of Eden

Bible Reference: Genesis 2:8-15


  • Colored paper
  • Glue
  • Cardboard


  1. Read the Bible verse and describe to the children what the Garden of Eden looked like.
  2. Let them make trees, flowers, animals, and other living things by tearing their colored paper.
  3. Ask the children to glue them on a cardboard.


  1. You can also provide old magazines for the children to use instead of colored paper.
  2. Ask each child to show his/her work in front of the class and tell something about it.

Riches in Heaven

Bible Reference: Matthew 6:19-21


  • Ribbons
  • Crystal beads
  • Glue
  • Glitter glue


  1. Read the Bible verse to the children and discuss with them why it is important to lay treasures in heaven.
  2. Distribute small gift boxes for children to decorate. Tell them they're going to make their own treasure box.
  3. Let the children glue crystal beads around the box and make swirls using glitter glue.
  4. Ask them to tie a ribbon around their box to close it in place. 


  1. Recycle old boxes and turn them into treasure boxes with your kids.
  2. Use beads and plastic jewels from old clothes.

The Two House Builders

Bible Reference: Matthew 7:24-27


  • Drinking straw
  • Popsicle sticks


  1. Read the Bible verse to the children. Discuss the verse by differentiating the two kinds of house builders presented in the lesson.
  2. Using their straw, tell them to construct a house. This will represent the foolish man's house.
  3. To make the wise man's house,let the children construct a house made of popsicle sticks on their table.
  4. Tell the children to blow the houses to discover the difference between the two house builders and the houses they built.


  1. Show pictures of houses built on a strong foundation for pupils to see.
  2. Invite a carpenter to class and let him talk about the importance of building a house using a strong foundation.

Jonah and the Big Fish

Bible Reference: Jonah 1:17


  • Cord
  • Cardboard
  • Felt pens
  • Puncher
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Crayons


  1. Read the story of Jonah and discuss with the children why he was swallowed by the big fish.
  2. Tell the children to draw a very big fish on the cardboard. Let them color it in both sides and draw eyes and mouth.
  3. Punch a hole at the center. Insert the cord and tie it in both ends.


  1. Let the children hang their fish in the classroom or combine their finished products and make a mobile.
  2. Use the fish as a nametag by writing the child's name on it.

Preach the Gospel to All Parts of the World

Bible Reference: Matthew 28:16-20


  • Styrofoam balls
  • Water color
  • Black felt pen


  1. Read the Bible verse for the day. Discuss witht the children that before Jesus went up to heaven, He met with His disciples for final instructions. One of these is to preach the gospel everywhere.
  2. Distribute the balls to each child. Tell them to draw different shapes to represent continents and then color them brown or green.
  3. Let the children paint the rest of the ball blue to represent water.


  1. Bring a globe to class to guide children in their activity.
  2. Show them a map and teach them how to use it.


Bible Reference: Luke 19:1-10


  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Felt pens
  • Yarn
  • Glue


  1. Read the Bible verse and discuss the story of Zacchaeus with the children.
  2. Tell the children to draw a number 8 on the cardboard by making two big circles. 
  3. Assist them in cutting the figure.
  4. Ask them to draw eyes, nose, and mouth on the upper portion. Cut pieces of yarn and glue them on top to serve as hair.
  5. For the feet, punch holes on the lower portion. Make sure that the fingers of the children can fit through the holes.


  1. You can glue the puppet on a popsicle stick instead of punching holes.
  2. Dress up your puppet by making paper clothes for it.

Animal Collage

Bible Reference: Genesis 1:24-26


  • Old magazines
  • Stick glue/paste
  • Pencil
  • Bond paper


  1. Read the Bible verse to the children. Discuss with them the different animals God created and how we should take care of them.
  2. Ask the children to think of their most favorite animal and draw its outline on the bond paper. Make sure that their drawing covers almost the whole paper.
  3. Using the scissors, let the children cut pages of old magazines into smaller pieces.
  4. Tell the children to glue/paste the pieces of paper within the outline of their favorite animal.


  1. You can use old newspapers instead of magazines.
  2. Use a puncher to form round pieces of paper which children can glue within their animal pattern.

The Lost Sheep

Bible Reference: Luke 15:1-7


  • Cotton balls
  • Paper plate
  • Popsicle stick
  • Glue
  • Colored pens


  1. Read the Bible verse to the children and explain the parable of the lost sheep.
  2. Give each child a paper plate. Tell them to draw a sheep's eyes, nose, and mouth.
  3. Get cotton balls and glue them on the paper plate without covering the eyes, nose, and mouth. The cotton balls will serve as the sheep's fur.
  4. Glue a popsicle at the back of the paper plate for the handle.


  1. Use shredded pieces of paper instead of cotton balls to cover the face of the sheep.
  2. The puppet can also be used as a fan.

Jesus Fed Five Thousand Men

Bible Reference: Matthew 14:13-21


  • Fish cut-outs
  • Bread cut-outs
  • Crayons
  • Glue/paste
  • Bond paper


  1. Read the Bible verse and explain to the children how Jesus was able to fed five thousand men with only five loaves of bread and two fish.
  2. Let the children draw a basket on a bond paper and color it.
  3. Put the pre-cut fish and loaves of bread on a box. As a review, call on each child to come forward and get the right number of fish and bread the boy in the story shared.
  4. Tell the children to glue or paste the fish and loaves of bread they got from the box.


  1. You can easily evaluate the performance of the children using this activity by checking if they did get the right number of fish and loaves of bread from the box.
  2. Real objects are the best visual aids. Bring a basket to school with two fish and five loaves of bread inside.

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