Noah’s Ark: God Keeps His Promises
Genesis 9: 8-17
Materials Needed
- Letters that spell out: God Keeps His Promises
- Blue paper for background
- Dark blue paper cut into waves
- Red colored border
- White cotton balls: pull the cotton balls and glue at the top for clouds
- Red, green, blue, indigo and violet paper cut into strips and twisted, then assembled to represent the rainbow
- Noah’s ark and animals cutouts (provided)
Putting it Together
Cover the board with the blue paper for the sky. Attach the red border around the entire board. Staple the letters to spell out “God Keeps His Promises”. Twist each color of paper for the rainbow and attach it going from one edge of the board to the other to look like a rainbow. Glue the cotton balls as clouds. Assign children to color the ark and the animals. Arrange the ark on the waves and attach the animals.
Click here to print Noah's Ark cutouts
Friends: A Friend Loves at All Times
Proverbs 17:17
Materials Needed
- Pink paper for the background
- Blue border
- Lots of cutouts of small hands in different colors
- Large group picture of the children together
Putting it Together
Cover the board with the pink paper. Add the border around the edge. Create a circle of hands so that it creates a “wreath” of holding hands. Put the picture of the children in the middle. Add the words “A Friend Loves at All Times” across the top of the bulletin board.
(Click image for larger picture)
The Lord is my Shepherd: The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
Psalm 23
Materials Needed
- Yellow paper for the background
- Green paper for a field of grass
- Cutout or a large picture of Jesus
- Handprint cut out in black paper, one for each child
- Cotton balls
- Medium sized wiggle eyes
Putting it Together
Cover the board with the yellow paper. Add green paper to the bottom of the board to represent a grassy field. Attach the picture of Jesus in the center of the bulletin board. Have each child make a lamb. Start out by tracing a child's handprint in black paper. Turn the handprint so that the thumb is pointing out to the side and the four fingers are the bottom. These fingers will be the feet for the lamb. Glue cotton balls on the lamb and add eyes. Attach these to the bulletin board.
(Click picture for larger image)
We are Fishers of Men: Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
Matthew 4:19
Materials Needed
- Blue background paper
- Brown paper
- White string
- Black pipe cleaners
- Cutouts of fish, sea shells, ocean creatures (provided)
- Fake plants that can resemble algae
Putting it Together
Start by covering the board with blue paper. This will be the water, as you are creating an under water scene. Use the brown paper to create the bottom of a boat. Attach this to the top of the board so it looks like you can see the boat bottom from under the water. Glue the fish and shells in place in the water. Use the black pipe cleaners to make fishing hooks. Attach the hooks to the white string and glue them coming into the water from the boat.
(Click image for larger picture)
I Will Follow Jesus: And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.
Luke 14:25-35
Materials Needed
- Green paper
- Gray or black paper
- White crayon or marker
- Small street signs, such as a stop sign, children crossing sign and a speed limit sign (some provided)
- Cutouts of children, or full body pictures of your children
Putting it Together
Start by covering the board in the green paper. You will then use the gray or black paper to create a road (or several connecting roads). Glue them in place on the board. Use a white marker or crayon to make lines in the road. Add the street signs along the road. Place the children along the road. If you choose to use pictures of your children, take a picture of each child, print it so that it is big enough to fit on the board without looking too small or too large and then cut out. Write the words, “I Will Follow Jesus” across the top.
(Click images for larger pictures)
Lay Up Your Treasures in Heaven: Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven
Matthew 6:19-21
Materials Needed
- Black paper for the background
- Large picture of a treasure chest (provided)
- Wide gold ribbon or gold trim for the border
- Lots of “treasures” for the chest
Putting it Together
Cover the board with black paper and add the trim around the edge for the border. Place the treasure chest in the middle with the lid open. Glue treasures inside the box. Use items such as plastic coins and inexpensive beaded necklaces. Write the words, “Lay Up Your Treasures in Heaven” across the top of the board.
(Click image for larger picture)
The Son is Shining: This is my beloved Son: Hear him.
Luke 9:35
Materials Needed
- Light blue background paper
- Rainbow border
- Large sun
- Small suns for each child, craft directions provided
- Small plastic sunglasses, any dollar store
- Putting it Together
Cover the board with the light blue paper. Place the large sun in the middle of the board. Add eyes and a smiley face to the sun. Have the children make a small sun by giving each a small paper plate and have them color it yellow or orange. Add a smile to each sun and glue a small pair of sunglasses (detach the ear frames) to each small sun, too. Attach the small suns around the larger sun. Cut out and attach the phrase, “The Son is Shining” to the bulletin board.
(Click image for larger picture)
God’s Creation: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Genesis Chapter 1
Materials Needed
- Black paper for the background
- Blue border
- Large picture of the Earth (provided)
- Pictures of people, animals, and plants
- Putting it Together
Cover the board with the black paper. Add the border to the edges of the bulletin board. Attach the Earth in the center of the board. In the upper left hand corner of the board, write the words “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. In the upper right hand corner add pictures of people. In the bottom right hand corner, add pictures of the animals. Place the pictures of the plants in the lower left hand corner. Added Activity: Have the children find the pictures needed for this bulletin board in old magazines and books!
(Click image for larger picture)
Jesus Teaches Me: Show Me Your Ways, O Lord
Psalms 25:4-7
Materials Needed
- Yellow paper for the background
- Cutout of a child praying
- Large cutout of a church
- Bible cutout
- Putting it Together
Cover the board with yellow paper. Add the cutout of the church on one side of the board and the cutout of the praying child on the other. Place the Bible near the praying child. Add the Bible verse at the top of the board. The idea of this board is to show children that they learn about God by attending Sunday school and church, along with reading the Bible daily.
(Click on images for larger pictures)
Ten Commandments
Materials Needed
- Light blue paper for the background
- 10 scrolls, instructions provided here
- Black marker
- Cutouts of children (or take pictures of your children)
Putting it Together
Cover the entire board with blue paper. At the top of the board, spell out “The Ten Commandments”. Make scrolls by cutting a regular size sheet of paper in half and staining it with tea or coffee. Burn or tear the edges of the paper to give it an aged look. Write each commandment on a scroll:
Love God with all your heart
Worship only God
Keep God’s name holy
Keep the Lord’s Day special
Always obey your mom and dad
Do not kill
Be faithful in marriage
Do not steal
Never tell a lie
Do not be jealous of others
Attach the scrolls to the board and add the pictures of the children on the board.
(Click image for larger picture, if desired)
Made by God With Love: And He Took the Children in His Arms, Put His Hands on Them and Blessed Them
Mark 10:16
- Materials Needed Paper for background, any color
- Large picture of Jesus (provided)
- Handprints of the children, either cutouts or using tempera paint
Putting it Together
Cover the board with the paper. Place the wording, “Made by God With Love” on the bulletin board. Add the picture of Jesus to the center of the board. Place the handprints of the children all around the board. You can either have cutouts of the handprints or let the children put their actual handprint on the board. Just cover their hand in tempera paint and press directly on to the board.
(Click on images for larger pictures)
Jesus Loves the Little Children: For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:26
Materials Needed
- Light blue paper
- Picture of the Earth
- Pictures of children from all different countries
- Pictures of flags from different countries
Putting it Together
Cover the board with blue paper. Place the wording “Jesus Loves the Little Children” at the top of the board. Add the picture of the Earth in the center. Attach the pictures of the children around the edge of the Earth. Add the flags to the board to show the children that God loves everyone, even from other countries.
Click here for Country Flags